Forest Park Baptist Church is led by Elders and Deacons. The Elders give oversight to the church while the Deacons serve as chairpersons of the various committees. The pastor is a full-time paid Elder.
As with any church, we have a few paid staff, but the real work is done by the many hands of some really wonderful volunteers and ministry leaders who freely use their gifts and talents and resources that God has blessed them with. That is what it means to be part of a church that is healthy, growing and always looking for new ways we can meet some of the needs in our community. There is always work to be done and people needed to help out. How has the Lord equipped you? What are some of the passions and talents that He has given you? Talk to the elders to figure out how your gifting can fit into the church body.
“Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.””
Pastor Timothy Hein
Timothy has been in pastoral ministry since 2008 and is the 17th pastor at Forest Park Baptist Church. After answering call to pastoral ministry he attended Moody Bible Institute for undergraduate studies, where he met his wife, Manju. After seminary they served on church staff in Maryland, then pursued Timothy's PhD in Christian Origins at the University of Edinburgh. Timothy and his wife currently homeschool their four children. As a family the Heins have had the privilege to serve local churches across the USA, Scotland, England, and South Africa, discipling and encouraging peoples of all ethnicities, ages, and situations in life.
Elder Leif Farne
Leif has attended Forest Park Baptist Church since2019 and became an Elder in 2022. Previously member of Moody Church for over 25 years. Leif’s wife went home to be with the Lord in 2007, and they had 3 children, 6 grandchildren, and since 10 great grandchildren, most of whom live in other parts of the country. Leif has traveled extensively, and was in Marketing in Medical Imaging. He has taught Bible classes, and continues to be a student of God’s Word, in addition to singing Christian hymns and songs.
Favorite things to do:
Read, study, and teach God’s Word
Sing Christian songs and lead hymns sings
Listen to classical vocal music
Spend time with great grandchildren
Deacon Akin Famoyegun
Akin has been the Deacon for Building and Grounds since 2011 and the Head of Ushers and Greeters since 2013. He’s been attending Forest Park Baptist Church since 1998. He has worked as a real estate broker since 2003. Prior to that, he earned a Ph.D degree (1985) in Public Administration from University of the Philippines, Manila, and served as director for Urban Policy Studies at the University of the City of Manila. His passion is to keep things running and give back to the church community. Akin and Susan have been married since 1983 and have two sons, Dele and Jide.
Favorite things to do:
Listen to all kinds of music
Read political books and keep up to date on politics
Spend time with his wife
Church Staff
Connie Leeper has worked part-time as the church secretary since September 2010, and she has attended Forest Park Baptist Church for over 30 years. She retired from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago after 38 years of service, ending as the Administrative Assistant to the Provost. Her passion is to see the church grow and have a meaningful ministry in the community.
Favorite things to do:
Working outside, gardening, activities with the Berkeley Garden Club
Playing board games and doing puzzles with friends
Traveling (she has visited all 50 states and a large number of countries around the world)