Forest Park Baptist Church desires to see children glorify God, encouraging everyone to know and follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Children’s church provides an opportunity for kids ages 5-12yrs old to learn from God’s Word together during the sermon time of our worship services. Children are learning the ABC’s of God (attributes & activity of God), encouraging them to know & follow Jesus wholeheartedly.
We gather as a family for worship service. Near the middle of our worship service, children (ages 5-12) & their parent/guardian are invited to join our Children’s team for Children’s Church. Parents/guardians are invited to follow teachers to the kids classrooms, complete registration forms (if not done in advance); parents/guardians may then return to the worship service & pickup their children afterwards.
Registration forms are available at the Welcome Desk, or you can download & print the pdf below and bring it with you Sunday, or email registration forms & any questions to our Kids Ministry team at: