Sunday AM Weekly Worship
Join us Sunday mornings to worship and glorify God. Via prayer, praise, singing ,and Biblical teaching and scripture , all will be encouraged to get to know Jesus whole heartedly.
Join us Sunday mornings to worship and glorify God. Via prayer, praise, singing ,and Biblical teaching and scripture , all will be encouraged to get to know Jesus whole heartedly.
In lieu of a an in-person worship services, please join us online for a time of prayer and Scripture reading
Come join us to celebrate “Resurrection Sunday” with prayer, praise, scripture and Biblical teaching.
In addition to socially distanced seating in the sanctuary, online Zoom video conference / teleconference access will available. Please contact the Elders or church office via email or phone 708 366 5091 to request Zoom sign in credentials.
We will take time to reflect on Jesus’s Passion through Scripture readings and song.
Gain a deeper understanding of the Passover, Jesus’s atonement for our sins, and Communion by guest speaker Kirill Swiderski from Chosen People Ministries
Join us for worship, prayer, praise, and singing that glorifies God and encourages all to get to know Jesus whole heartedly. Palm Sunday initiates Easter week worship and celebration.